Sue Bergeson, President of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance cautioned: "Trivializing depression as a passing mood or, worse, an imaginary illness can discourage those who need treatment from seeking help. That's not just counterproductive - it's downright dangerous because depression is the principal cause of suicide worldwide, killing more people than homicides and terrorism combined." She also added: "This campaign [The Depression Is Real] is critical because more education and awareness can help deter needless deaths and the years of suffering that precedes them." (Emphasis added.)
Well, can you believe that??! Seems like "I am my own worst enemy" applies all the more for depressed people. Although I think I have to add that manic-depression has an even higher suicide rate, yet, being a much smaller group than unipolar depression the overall number of suicides is lower.
Spotted on
Maybe is the mood swinging that´s the trigger.